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Tag: Nieuw Zeeland

Tongariro Alpine Crossing: Challenging my inner youth!

Supposedly it is one of the most beautiful one-day hikes in New Zealand and the Tongariro Alpine Crossing can be a true challenge of your inner youth. Imagine someone who lives behind a computer screen, likes the convenience of fast food a little to much and doesn’t walk more then 10 minutes a day… Yes, I am that stereotype. Since my first visit to New Zealand I knew this would be the perfect base camp for the next 10 years of my travels. Although remotely positioned on the edge of the world it is also conveniently close to some of the most…

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Around The World 2009! Hoofdstuk 12: Zealand’s Icy Westcoast!

Dag 35, 13 augustus 2009

Today is the big day! We gaan het ijs op! Tenminste dat is het plan. Wanneer we wakker worden regent het verdomme nog steeds. Regen op je vakantie is niet cool! It f*cks things up. Maar we hebben maar twee weken in New Zealand, en vandaag is de dag dat het moet gaan gebeuren.

Continue reading Around The World 2009! Hoofdstuk 12: Zealand’s Icy Westcoast!